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Eminent. Atelier


Visitors of previous exhibitions by Eminent Atelier


“ Beautiful, incredible work! Great exhibition, enjoyed it! “

“ Congratulations on your work. Wonderful pictures! “

“ Protect our environment! “

“ Only with healthy architecture for health should leave to and be sure into the future of the planet and generations that come. “

“ ... A well - deserved reputation of world - famous architect and artist! Bravo! “

“ Well done. Enjoy your success and forward... Once again congratulations that you were part of this exhibition. “

“ ... Looking forward to the successes of all Bosnians, especially those who are successful outside the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina, because you are our best ambassadors. “

“ Nice and cool. “

“ ... I am emailing to congratulate on your event Nature Healing. On behalf of the team, hope it went well and you were happy. Thank you again for contributing to LFA2023. We hope to see you back again next year! “

“ Thank you being part of LFA! We hope you're as proud of being part of the LFA as we are to have you! “

“ Those forests remind me of the video from Taylor Swift 'Out of the Woods'. “

“ Congrats on a beautiful exhibition. Really like your exhibition... Just keep going so. Love to watch your work and further lots of luck. “

“ This is absolutely genius. Hope you are working on some new things because this is fantastic. “

“ Congratulations on a successful exhibitions that contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. “

“ What an honour with the most beautiful congratulations and contributing to the SDG and private goals. “

“ Many thanks again for organising an event for the LFA this summer... We would love to include you in the programme again.“

“… Congratulation on your opening and thank you for inviting us… Lovely to see you and your work! “

“ ... London continues to inspire... Hosting the work of young Bosnian Architect... To see how London shaped her vision for great architecture “ – The Londonist

“ ... Young Bosnian Architect with this exhibition connected London and Sarajevo “– Avaz newspapers

“ First time that BiH has a representative at the largest European Festival of Architecture “ – portal



Posjetioci prethodnih izložbi od Eminent Atelier

„ Prelijep, nevjerovatan projekat! Odlična izložba, uživala sam! “

„ Čestitke na tvom radu. Divne slike! “

„ Čuvajmo naš okoliš! “

„ Samo zdravom arhitekturom za zdravlje trebamo ostaviti i biti sigurni u budućnost planete i generacija koje dolaze. “

„ ...Zaslužena reputacija svjetski poznate arhitektice i umjetnice! Bravo! “

„ Odlično. Uživaj u svom uspjehu i naprijed... Još jednom čestitke da si bila dio ove izložbe. “

„ ...Raduju me uspjesi svih Bosanaca, posebno onih, koji su uspješni izvan granica Bosne i Hercegovine, jer ste vi naši najbolji ambasadori. “

„ Lijepo i Cool “

„ Pišem Vam emailom da čestitam na Vašem događaju Nature Healing. U ime tima, nadam se da je prošlo dobro i da si sretna. Hvala još jednom za doprinos LFA2023. Mi se nadamo da ćemo te vidjeti ponovo iduće godine! “

„ Hvala što si dio LFA! Mi se nadamo da si ponosna što si dio LFA kao što smo mi da te imamo! “

„ Te šume me podsjećaju na video od Taylor Swift „Out of the Woods“. “

„ Pohvala za lijepu izložbu. Sviđa mi se tvoja izložba... samo nastavi tako. Volim da gledam tvoje radove i dalje puno sreće. “

„ Ovo je apsolutno genijalno. Nadam se da radiš na nekim novim stvarima jer je ovo fantastično. “

„ Čestitke za uspješnu izložbu koja doprinosi Ciljevima održivog razvoja 2030. “

„ Svaka čast uz najljepše čestitke i doprinosu SDG i privatnim ciljevima. “

„ Veliko hvala još jednom za organizovanje događaja za LFA ovog ljeta... Mi bismo voljeli da te opet uključimo u program. “

„ Čestitke na tvom otvorenju i hvala ti na pozivu... Divno vidjeti tebe i tvoje radove! “


“... London nastavlja inspirisati ... predstavljajući djela mlade bh. arhitektice... da bi ste vidjeli kako je London oblikovao njenu viziju za veliku arhitekturu “ – The Londonist

“ ... Mlada bh. arhitektica sa ovom izložbom je povezala London i Sarajevo “– Avaz novine

“ Prvi puta da BiH ima predstavnika na najvećem Evropskom festivalu arhitekture “ – portal

Edukacije - webinari u 2020. godini

     U 2020. godini najviše su zastupljeni webinari - edukacije

za samoodrživu arhitekturu, BIM, a zatim edukacije za inkluzivne prostore, dizajn konstrukcija i tehnologija, pravne aspekte i zakonske odredbe, te iz zaštite kulturnog naslijeđa. 

     Od ukupno 236,5 sati edukacije, 43,5 su sati sa CPD certifikatom i 15 sati su RIBA sati sa CPD certifikatom.

Edukacije - webinari 2021.

     Najviše zastupljeni webinari - edukacije za 2021. godinu : samoodrživa arhitektura, dizajn konstrukcija i tehnologija, urbano planiranje i zajednice, biznis klijenti i servisi, te iz zdravlja sigurnosti i dobrobiti.


     Od ukupno 242 sati edukacije, 220 su sati sa CPD certifikatom- poenima i 18  sati su RIBA sati sa CPD certifikatom. 


Emina Čamdžic BA DIP. ENG. ARCH. MA ARCH

Secured placements at the international festival of architecture LFA from 2017 to 2024:

Solo exhibition_'Nature Healing' at the LFA - London - online. 2023

Solo exhibition_'Architecture Creates Ideas to Sustain through Climate Change' at the LFA - London - online. 2022

Solo exhibition_'The Architecture for Health' at the LFA - London - online. 2021

Solo exhibition_'The View Through the Window of History' at the LFA - London - online. 2020

Solo exhibition_'TomorrowTown - Learning from Sarajevo' at the LFA at the 508 Kings Road Gallery. London. 2018

Solo exhibition_'War Remembered and Transcended - Growing with London through the Eyes of a Child to Architect' at the London Festival of Architecture at the Republic London Gallery. London. 2017

Participation in exhibitions:

Project at the ' AA XX 100: Women in Architecture 1917 - 2017 ' exhibition in London. 2017

' Nature Exhibition ' at the exhibition in London - online. 2016

' Computing Topos ' project exhibition in London. 2015

' Mittelmeerland ' project exhibition in London. 2012

Project ' Set and Poster Design We Will Rock You Musical ' at Collegium Artisticum 2018 in Sarajevo

Temporary photo exhibition of the Sarajevo Town Hall in Sarajevo. 2017

' Snowflake ' poster competition exhibition at the Sarajevo Winter Festival 2017

Three project exhibitions during Days of Architecture Sarajevo - online. 2016 - 2018

Photo exhibition ' Sarajevo Town Hall ' for the Architecture Society BiH – online. 2017

' Austrian House ' architecture competition exhibition in Sarajevo. 2017

Projects exhibitions ' All in One - Taxi Faces - Bread and Climate ' in Sarajevo. 2012, 2013

Project ' Art of Recycling ' exhibition for the ' Make a Forest ' project in Sarajevo. 2011

Project ' Sustainable and Climate Resilient Buildings ' at the Green Design Biennale 2017 in Mostar

Project ' Green Transformable Building Center 2011' in Enschede

Project ' Window to Future ' at the ' ClimateSights KlimaSichten ' exhibition in Munich. 2011

​Speaker and participant at:​

Participant of the International Design Summit in London. 2019

Speaker with the theme " Climate Change and Sustainability in Architecture: Well Being and Existing Buildings " at the BiH Engineering Weeks in Tuzla. 2019

Speaker with the theme " Smart Challenges of Liveable Urban City " at the " First Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development " in Sarajevo. 2018

Speaker with the theme " Revive Culture - Be Smart " at the " Wider Benefits of the Investments in Cultural Heritage " conference by the LSE School, in Sarajevo. 2014

Member of the organisation committee of the " CICOP Importance of Place " conference at the Architecture Faculty in Sarajevo. 2015

Participant of the " Local and Regional Governments in the Process of Sustainable Energy Development " conference in Sarajevo. 2012

Speaker and moderator of the " Project Recycling Plastics " panel discussion in Sarajevo. 2011

Speaker of the " Green Transformable Building Center " symposium at the University of Twente, Enschede. 2011

Speaker and participant of the AA Visiting School Computing Topos III in Bilbao. 2014

​Speaker and participant of the AA Visiting School Mittelmeerland I in Dubrovnik. 2011

Speaker and participant International Design Studio 2011 in Enschede, Istanbul, Sarajevo. 2010 - 2011

Participant of the Forum for Creative Minds II: Bread and Climate in Zagreb. 2011

© Emina Čamdžić (Eminent.Atelier) . All rights reserved. 

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