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Eminent. Atelier

Plastic is
not COOL

     Every year around 41% of plastic ends up in the soil while only 17,4 percent of electronic waste is properly collected and treated.

     This is the - Plastic is not COOL page - What a great opportunity to understand the background of the latest information about the plastic pollution reduction.

 Eminent Atelier is passionate about creating sustainable solutions that address the pressing issue of the plastic pollution. Browse the links, see the recent works and learn more about the approach to sustainability.

The project Plastic is not COOL has started in the year 2019.

For more visit: 

     Svake godine oko 41% plastike završi u zemljištu a samo 17,4 procenata elektronskog otpada je adekvatno sakupljeno i tretirano.

     Ovo je stranica - Plastika nije fora - Kakva odlična mogućnost shvatiti pozadinu najnovijih informacija o smanjenju plastičnog zagađenja.

   Eminent Atelier je strastvena u stvaranju održivih rješenja koja se bave gorućim pitanjima plastičnog zagađenja. Pretražite linkove, pogledajte trenutne radove i naučite više o pristupu održivosti.

Projekat Plastika nije fora je započet 2019. godine.

Za više posjetite: 

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Plastic Pollution

     Studies suggest that more than 200 species of marine animals are known to consume microplastics, including turtles, whales, seals, birds and fish, while raising concerns about the contamination in the human food chain. Each year, millions of animals such as bears, penguins and birds mistake plastic as food. Toxic chemicals from broken- down plastics can accumulate in the organism, posing health risks for these animals. This alarming situation underscores the urgent need to take action to protect these vulnerable species.

     Implementing effective recycling programs and stopping the use of single- use plastics are essential steps in minimising the risks faced by wildlife. Items such as plastic straws, bags and bottles are typically used for only a short time but can remain in the environment for hundreds of years. The visible impact of plastic waste harms the beauty of nature and emphasises the urgent need for action.


     Neki primjeri elektronskih otpada uključuju: mobilne uređaje, kamere, smart – kuća dodatke, punjače, tonere, električne bicikle, električne četkice za zube, električne cigare. Bez obzira koliko mali, ovi uređaji nisu biorazgradivi, mogu biti toksični i sadrže određene metale. Pročitajte više na link.

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     Galvanizirana plastika je proces nanošenja metala ili legure metala na površinu plastike čime se postiže izgled metala i poboljšava sjaj i izgled, pojačava provodljivost električne energije i otpornost na koroziju plastike. Koristi se u domaćinstvu, sanitarnim uređajima, kozmetici i parfemima, automobilskoj industriji, elektroničkim uređajima i dizajnu enterijera. Iako se ustaljeno vrši galvanizacija čelika i drugih metala, galvanizacija plastike je počela već u razvoju automobilske industrije.

     Galvanizirane plastične cijevi su česti izazov, jer se mineralni depoziti nakupljaju u cijevima što uzrokuje redukciju vodenog pritiska i zagađuje vodu u domaćinstvu, a vremenom uzrokuje pukotine na cijevima usljed čega dolazi do curenja vode ili oštećenja cijevi.

     Trajanje čelika je 50 do 75 godina, dok trajanje plastike je 25 do 40 godina.

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World Soil Day with the theme ' Soil and Water '

World Soil Day is marked on the 5th December with this year's theme ' Soil and Water '. ' Soil and water ' emphasizes the interconnection of the soil with water and the need for integrated management, recognizing their invaluable roles as foundations for the ecosystems, food production and therefore the human well – being. World Soil Day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of healthy soil and water. Think about less usage of plastic products such as bags, bottles and food packages which end up in the soil and water.

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Feeding with the plasticised river food, birds into their organism ingest toxic substances from polyester fibre, mix of polyvinyl alcohol, copolymers of vinyl chloride and nylon.


Plastic trash can harm birds that eat meaning have mistaken the plastic package for the leftover food. Plastic can further harm birds even through entanglement especially in plastic bags and similar plastic products.

Because of excessive production and spending of plastic materials the share of plastic in the food of all living organisms will be getting bigger.


Therefore, think the next time you want to throw plastic trash on the soil or in the rivers.

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Svaka slika priča priču i ohrabruje posjetioce da razmisle o utjecaju naših svakodnevnih izbora na okoliš. Lješnjak je veoma nutritivan i nalazi se u kolačima i drugim poslasticama. Koristite ih iz staklenih posuda umjesto plastičnih i duže će trajati.

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Plastika nije fora ali ruže jesu.

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Read on how climate change in the recent time has been very expressively visible, and a need to raise awareness about the effects of climate change.

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Read on how not only is an environment covered with trash ugly to look at but is unhealthy and proven cause of many diseases.


See the LATEST information about the plastic in the world in percentage.

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