Photo of the National Theatre of the Great Britain in London. Photo by Tabraiz Feham via Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ),
( https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lambeth,_London,_UK_-_panoramio_(75).jpg )
Emina Čamdžić, Master of Architecture, expresses her views of the Burberry show. What was seen at the Burberry Spring Summer 2025 show during the London Fashion Week at the brutalist building of the National Theatre of Great Britain, surrounded by the coast of the river Thames:
At the show which was presented physically, as well as digitally was open to view, the following has been a highlight for the spring / summer 2025:
From the famous Burberry trench coat;
Colours of beige, pale blue, dark brown, dark green, orange;
Geometry of cutouts and edgy looks;
Type of wardrobe - spring and summer wardrobe.
>via Burberry, LFW
Emina Čamdžić, MA arhitekture, izražava svoje stavove o Burberry reviji. Šta je viđeno na Burberry Proljeće – Ljeto 2025 reviji tokom Sedmice mode u Londonu u brutalističkom objektu Narodnog pozorišta Velike Britanije u Londonu, okruženog obalom rijeke Temze:
Na reviji koja je prikazana fizički, kao i digitalno je bila otvorena za pogledati, slijedeće je bio vrhunac za proljeće / ljeto 2025. godine:
Od poznatog Burberry mantila;
Boje bež, blijedoplave, tamnosmeđe, tamnozelene, narandžaste;
Geometrija izreza i otkačenog izgleda;
Vrsta odjeće – proljetna i ljetna garderoba.
>putem Burberry, LFW