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Eminent. Atelier

How to Make Your Festive Season Environmentally Friendly: Planting Trees, Proper Trash Disposal, and Mindful Consumption

Emina Helić Čamdžić
Planting a tree

 Photo © Eminent Atelier

What have you done for yourself and the environment at the time of the festive season? How many trees have you planted, separately disposed your trash, where has your chewing gum ended and candy wrap up? Are you introduced with the fruits of earth? How much are you familiar with the SDG goals –

Do you drink enough water from what kind of bottle?

Your thoughts and answers on this questions are very welcome on this email. Thank you in advance.


Šta ste učinili za sebe i za okoliš u vrijeme praznika? Koliko ste drveća zasadili, odvojeno prikupljali otpad, gdje je završila vaša žvakaća i omot od bombone? Da li ste se upoznali sa plodovima zemlje? Koliko ste se upoznali sa SDG ciljevima -

Pijete li dovoljno tečnosti iz koje flašice?


Vaša razmišljanja i odgovori na ova pitanja dobro su došli na ovaj email. Unaprijed zahvalna.

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