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Eminent. Atelier

International Electronic Waste Day

Emina Helić Čamdžić

Updated: Apr 1, 2024

Recycling electronic waste

Today is marked the International Day of Electronic Waste, so that is raised awareness and encouraged responsible electronic waste management and recycling. No matter how small, these devices are not biodegradable, could be toxic and contain different metals. Some examples of electronic waste type include: cell phones, cameras, smart home gadgets, e-bikes, electric toothbrushes, e-cigarettes. Only 17,4 percent of electronic waste is properly collected and treated, while over 22 million tonnes of small electronic waste is produced in a year which is 40% of all electronic waste produced globally.

Međunarodni dan elektronskog otpada

Danas se obilježava Međunarodni dan elektronskog otpada, kako bi se podigla svijest i podstaklo odgovoran menadžment elektronskog otpada i reciklaža. Bez obzira koliko mali, ovi uređaji nisu biorazgradivi, mogu biti toksični i sadrže određene metale. Neki primjeri tipova elektronskog otpada uključuju: mobilne uređaje, kamere, smart – kuća dodatke, električne bicikle, električne četkice za zube, električne cigare. Samo 17,4 procenta elektronskog otpada je adekvatno sakupljeno i tretirano, sa preko 22 miliona tona malog elektronskog otpada proizvedeno godišnje što je ukupno 40% svog elektronskog otpada proizvedeno globalno.

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