Butternut squash, Hokkaido pumpkin, Cucurbita moschata and many other pumpkin types are the announcers of autumn. That is really the pumpkins time.
They mostly contain Betta carotene vitamin A, then C, E and B, as like Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, have nutritive characteristics, which are good for protection of the skin and the sight. Because of the large amount of fibers as well are good as a dietary grocery and are very easy to digest.
After harvest, it is necessary that pumpkins should be left for a few days on a sunny place or a closed room so that the pumpkin skin could harden, and where they can be left for a few months and will still be fresh.
Autumn deserts, cakes, then pies and pumpkin soups are just some of the meals that are made of pumpkins. Then there are pumpkin seeds that are very nutritive and an eatable delicacy. And don't forget coffee with pumpkin spices.
Vrijeme bundava
Butternut bundava, hokaido bundava, cucurbita moschata i mnogi drugi tipovi bundava su vjesnici jeseni. To je zaista vrijeme bundava.
One najviše sadrže beta karoten vitamin A, zatim C, E i B, kao i fosfor, kalij, magnezij, imaju nutritivne osobine, koje su dobre za zaštitu kože i vida. Zbog velike količine vlakana također su dobre kao dijetetska namirnica i vrlo su lahko probavljive.
Nakon berbe potrebno je bundave ostaviti nekoliko dana na osunčanom prostoru ili zatvorenoj prostoriji kako bi se kora bundave stvrdnula, i gdje mogu stojati do nekoliko mjeseci i dalje će biti svježe.
Jesenji deserti, kolači, zatim pite i supe od bundave su samo neka od jela koja se prave od bundave. Dalje tu su košpice od bundave koje su vrlo nutritivne i jestiva poslastica. I ne zaboravite kahvu sa začinom od bundave.
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