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Eminent. Atelier

The UN Summit of the Future, SDG Lounge

Emina Helić Čamdžić

Updated: Mar 6

     On the 20th September 2024 is opening of the UN Summit of the Future, SDG Lounge which is happening physically at the UN Headquarters in New York and online, and lasts until the 26th September 2024.

     Am glad that have been invited to follow the event online, which talks about important questions, growing solutions and the accelerated action towards ensuring of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

     The UN Summit of the Future, SDG Lounge is convened by the United Nations Deputy Secretary General and is happening at the time of the High - Level Week of the 79th UN General Assembly.

     Dana 20.9.2024. godine se otvara UN Samit budućnosti, SDG Lounge koji se održava fizički u UN sjedištu u Njujorku i on-lajn, i traje do 26.9.2024. godine.

     Drago mi je da sam pozvana da pratim događaj on-lajn, koji govori o bitnim pitanjima, rastućim rješenjima te ubrzanoj akciji ka osiguranju provedbe Ciljeva održivog razvoja ( SDG ).

     UN Samit budućnosti, SDG Lounge je sazvan od Zamjenika generalnog sekretara Ujedinjenih nacija i održava se za vrijeme Sedmice visokog nivoa 79. UN Generalne skupštine.

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